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2024 Christy Martin Annual Tournament Facts


Host City: Tulsa Oklahoma 
Event Location:  Titan Sports Complex 101 East 81st St S Tulsa, OK 74132
Competition Dates: Sept 13-15, 2024 
Tournament Check-In at Weigh-Ins, Fri Sept 13 @6AM At the Hotel
Accommodations: Marriott Tulsa Hotel Southern Hills, 1902 East 71st Street, Tulsa, OK, 74136 
Please book your room using this link 
Registration: ALL PARTICIPANTS must register online FOR THE EVENT 
Registration Opens:    Open Now 
Registration Closes:   September 8, 2024  
*Boxers & Coaches cannot register nor make changes at the event* 
Online Registration: Christy Martin Annual Tournament 
Registration Fees: None  
All event functions will take place at Titan Sports Complex  including competition,  check-in, weigh-in, coaches workout space, clinics, workshops and other meetings. 
Weight Changes Allowed: Boxers can make changes to their weight via WebPoint until registration closes 
** Registration Deadline: Sunday, August 25th, at 12:00 MIDNIGHT CST. ** 
USA Boxing Membership: All tournament participants; Boxers, Coaches, Officials, Physicians and  Tournament Administrators must be registered with USA Boxing for the 2024 membership year with  all required certifications to be current. All non-athlete participants MUST BE SAFESPORT  CERTIFIED and have completed a Background Screening.  
On-Site Check-In: Boxers must be registered prior to the event. Check-in will take place at Titan Sports Complex There will be an area for Tournament Staff to check-in and verify every participant’s information.  
Coaches must bring boxers’ passbooks to check-in and will be given credentials for each.  Boxers do not attend check-in unless 18+ without a coach present at the time. Every coach  must check themselves in individually. 
All Boxers must present their USA Boxing Athlete (white) or USA Boxing Masters Athlete  (yellow). Boxers must have Birth Date Verification & Athlete Physical Certification completed  before they will be allowed to register for the event. 
All Coaches must present their USA Boxing Coach (red) passbook to receive a credential and  wristband that will allow access to enter the Competition areas including the Field of Play.  (Coaches must have been certified as Green Level or higher.) 
All Officials must present their USA Boxing Official (blue) passbook with their current photo,  2024 membership ID card & Officials Referral Form to the Technical Supervisor in order to be  assigned in the Field of Play. 
For Questions call Aaron Sloan @918-671-2696 or email  DO NOT call to change weight class, this must be done online using WebPoint. Click edit registration in WebPoint to change weight.  
Weigh-In: Trial Scales open daily at 5:00 AM on Competition days. 
Daily Weigh-in begins at 6:00 AM sharp. 
There will be no general weigh-in. 
Boxers will only be required to weigh in on the days that they compete. 
No Weight Allowance
Annual Athlete Physical:  ALL boxers competing in the 2024 USA Boxing National Open must have a current athlete  physical for the competition dates of the tournament. Physicals are valid for 12 months from  the date the physical is performed. Physicals MUST BE UPLOADED to the Boxer’s WebPoint  profile. 2024 Membership ID cards MUST display the current physical date. 
Please allow 1 week for the forms to be verified.